
artists #5 & #6: kandinsky & o'keeffe, revisited

kandinsky's picture with a circle

thanks to my near-instant new twitter addiction (as if I needed another internet fixation) I have been pleasantly kept abreast of all the interesting things I need to take advatage of in this amazing city of mine. nyc is absolutely teeming with all kinds of fantastic concerts/events/exhibits/you-name-it that I sometimes can barely keep track of. thankfully, tho, following @guggenheim on twitter has reminded me of two fantastic exhibits going on simultaneously at their own museum and at the whitney. I will not procrastinate until they close in january to see like I did with the guggenheim's 50th anniversary exhibit on frank lloyd wright, which I inadvertantly missed (for shame.)

where wassily kandinsky is known almost entirely for his unique abstract perspective in his work, georgia o'keeffe is generally remembered quite differently, which is what makes the whitney's exhibit of her largely unknown, modernist work so intriguing. time magazine's article, the worlds within, on the two coinciding exhibits was both a great reminder and impetus to check them out, revealing some interesting insight into each artist's modernist inspirations and ventures. perhaps I'll make it to at least one this weekend?


blue mountain

composition 8 - perhaps the most stylistically familiar of his pieces here


(I love this photo of her. I had no idea she was also the subject of a nude photo exhibit done by her huband? perhaps that may lead to a later post.....)

early abstraction - is it me or is this not so much abstract as evocative of the neck of a stringed instrument? music was evidently a muse of hers (see title below)

Music, Pink and Blue No. 2 - definitely a precursor to her feminine florals

Black Door with Red - perhaps the least expected by o'keeffe of her pieces here

I can't wait to experience them all in person!



Happy Friday!

This has felt like the longest week ever and I'm thrilled to be bidding it adieu at last. I seem to have been photo-post happy as of late but I'll get back to mixing it up soon!
Enjoy the weekend! (got any exciting plans?)

(photo via vintageladies)



(lost source)

follow the yellow brick road



sometimes I feel positively swallowed up by the city

caught up in the endless day to day grind

and I often forget to take a step back

to breathe

and remember that my path is not set in stone

(photos via DesignLovely via Lovely Clusters)


this is "amazing" !

did you know that today was national punctuation day?
as a punctuation nerd this news definitely made me smile (:
(although I'm quite certain I have my missteps here and there!!)

might you also have stopped to wonder about the "quotes" surrounding part of this post title? oh "those". welp, in addition to learning about this amusing little day, I also learned about this great blog called the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks.

so far this one's "definitely" my fave


lovely giveaway

I have yet to repost a giveaway from another blog, but the thought of a couple extra chances to win one of this adorable blogger's unique pieces is incentive enough for me!

if you've never stopped by yellowgoat design (although chances are you have, this lovely blog has quite the following!) pop on over and check it out out! sweet petula is offering readers 2 chances @ a $50 gift certificate to her own lovely etsy shop in her weeky giveaway!

good luck!!!



"I wanna go to a place where I can hold the intangible
I wanna go to a place where I'm suspended in ecstasy"



derek lam @ ny fashion week

not at all suprisingly my camera 'somehow' got left at home on fashion's night out (completely and absolutely expected behaviour from me, ugh /:) but I had a ball nonetheless. I got to spend the night out in the company of some really great people and think I picked a great 'homebase' neighborhood considering how saturated the city was with events. we hit the ck store, barneys, bergdorf's and a few more, catching glimpses of simon doonan and lindsay lohan along the way, along with what were almost certainly a few designers whose faces I just didn't know.

so rather than subject you to my smattering of crappy blackberry photos (unless you really want me to) I wanted to share some of my favorite looks from Derek Lam's spring 2010 collection which I stumbled on here. admittedly I haven't been keeping up with the hoards of collections being shown this week but this one definitely caught my eye. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



it's here, it's here!!!

which events will you be at? it's just so hard to choose! enjoy!!!

Fashion's Night Out's Times Square PSA and models via their facebook fan page

no WAY!

thoughts??? I think I love it!! yay, ellen!!


artist #4: donald sultan

hello, dear readers! it's been a long time coming for this next installation in my {attempt at an} artist series, but I do hope it was worth the wait!

meet Donald Sultan. I discovered his work at the University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) in 2001 (during my brief stint at U of M) and was immdiately captivated by his unique perspective and choice of medium. born in 1951 in North Carolina, much of Sultan's work would be considered still life, although he "describes these works as first and foremost abstract." (read his full bio here and here) I, however, would never have pegged Sultan for a still life artist, much less an abstract one, based on my inital encouter with his work...


picture this...

...you are browsing through a photography exhibit and are suddenly, inexplicably captivated by one image in particular. you stop and stare until it finally hits you: it's a picture of you. this is exactly what happened to Sharon Collins at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. unbeknownst to Collins, her image had been captured while working as an elevator girl in 1955 and imortalized in photographer Robert Frank's most famous publication, The Americans.

in an interview with NPR, Collins mused, "He saw in me something that most people didn't see. I have a big smile and a big laugh, and I'm usually pretty funny. So people see one thing in me. And I suspect Robert Frank and Jack Kerouac saw something that was deeper. That only people who were really close to me can see. It's not necessarily loneliness, it's ... dreaminess."

(article found via jezebel)

this amazing image and story reminded me of one of my favorite 'vintage' photographers, Gordon Parks

(found here)

(found here)

(found here)

(found here)

(help! I lost the link, but it's another fab myvintagevogue find)

and of course, the man himself (image and article found here)

Depression/Harlem Renaissance era photos are some of my absolute faves, and Parks has a special place in my heart not only because of his beautiful images that certainly speak for themselves. My lovely grandmother had the distinct privilege of both knowing and being photographed by Parks (or was the privilege his? :smile:) and I can't wait to have her photograph in my posession (as promised by my mother...) perhaps I will be able to share it with all of you!

(ps- major shout out to Jessica of myvintagevogue for her amazing flickr and photobucket collections! thanks so much!!!)


have you heard?

3 cheers for ben & jerry! the infamous VT-based duo has renamed their delicious 'Chubby Hubby' in honor of the law legalizing gay marriage in their home state! yippee!!

'Hubby Hubby' came about as a result of b & j's new partnership with Freedom to Marry and will be available in Vermont for the next month- I wish it was available everywhere but it's still so cool!!! (image and info found here- thanks, jasmine!)

in other (far less impressive) marriage equality news, the housewife I most love to ridicule (she just makes it so easy!) has attempted an endorsement of her own. check out her no h8 campaign photo for yourself:
okay, I can't bear to show the whole photo here but, yeah, she's topless. the jezebel comments never cease to entertain (in this case, particularly the one referring to kim's 'z-list' status. gotta love it.) but on the real, what exactly is this campaign's angle? *scratches head* ah, well. it is for a good cause at the end of the day, so I suppose I can't h8. too much.



happy birthday, mj <3

happy monday, everyone. most of you know this past saturday would've been michael jackson's 51st birthday. I was disappointed to miss out on the celebration spike lee threw in prospect park but I needed a quiet weekend this time around. I've been wanting to share this video I took @ Harlem Day a couple of weeks ago and thought this was the perfect time to post it~this little girl caught our attention as we reached the st. nick's end of the fair and I had to capture some of her performance.

your musical legacy will live on for gererations to come, mj.


overload: ATL Housewives

whoa, whoa, whoa. back it on up. I have seriously subscribed to so many wonderful blogs that I spend most of my slow workday perusing for all kinds of info and it's making my head hurt how many things I feel compelled to share!!! from the thought-provoking to the trashy to the lovely to the laughable I seriously can't get enough. I've got about 45 pages open now (ok, like, 5, forreal. but even that typically halts everything on this darling computer which it somehow isn't at the moment ::knocks on wood::) and I'm dying to post it all! I'll start with the junk for now (who can't go for a little mindlessness every now and then, esp. on a FRIIIIIIDAYYYY!) and share a couple more meaningful articles once I come down from the caffeine-induced-ADD. and, I haven't forgotten- more artists to come, y'all!!

jezebel is quickly becoming one of my fave online girl mags for its amazing coverage of pretty much the entire spectrum referred to above. I must admit, I'm a 'real housewives'-er and ATL is by far my fave cast to keep up with (the only cast I can't stomach is Jersey. sorry, ladies.) I've never been one to delve into these women's lives outside of the shows, but with these mags in my feed now I can't help it! from the leak that Kandi has called off the engagement, to Lisa (my fave- she's mixed like me and appears to have the most sense of them all. what's not to love? d:) is fighting for custody of her up-til-now-invisible kids (of ex-hubby Keith Sweat of all people), to crazy Kim's delusional twittering I seriously can't get enough.

meanwhile, celeb gossip is far from all they do, and some of their articles are really deserving of posts of their own. so, until then...

wait, what was I saying again???
(found here)


have you heard?

(via kiddunot.com)

::I know it's been a minute but I'm workin' on some thangs. not to mention, inspiration comes when you least expect it! (ps-- olatuja rocked it last night. imjustsayin.)::


artist #3: brian hatton

this just in, folx! (i know. finally.) I know it's been longer than any of us anticipated but I have all of 13 (semi-)faithful followers right now so I figured a few small interim posts while I scoured the blogosphere for purty things and started my hunt for ways to gussy up my blog wouldn't hurt anyone. hehe

so, yes. meet brian hatton, everyone! a fantastic photog who I also met in the walls of MSM. I can't really remember when we first 'met' considering we don't know each other well at all. I do, however, vividly remember catching him mid-photoshoot at what may as well have been a zillion miles away from the school in DUMBO (<--I love Seinfeld's joke printed in the wiki description, btw.) and that was when I realized that the cellist I vaguely knew (yes, he is mutitalented, indeed. and mixed, too! whataya know d:) was also a photog! it wasn't until much later that I would see the fruits of his treks to bk and everywhere else his clients bade him to shoot, but it was certainly worth the wait! and now I am oh-so-pleasantly surprised everytime his beautiful photos (many of them of summer weddings, lately) pop up on my fb feed (: I'm gonna attempt to narrow down a few faves for you here, but don't be shy! check out his site and his blog (which is linked in my sidebar now) when you get a chance! and by all means, hit him up if you're in the ny area!

a beautiful bride

a stylin groom (not hers^^, tho!)

cutie pie

caught red-handed!

a glamourous exit

and he does more than just weddings! (like that performance photo at the start of this entry, for instance...)

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