this just in, folx! (i know. finally.) I know it's been longer than any of us anticipated but I have all of 13 (semi-)faithful followers right now so I figured a few small interim posts while I scoured the blogosphere for purty things and started my hunt for ways to gussy up my blog wouldn't hurt anyone. hehe
so, yes. meet brian hatton, everyone! a fantastic photog who I also met in the walls of MSM. I can't really remember when we first 'met' considering we don't know each other well at all. I do, however, vividly remember catching him mid-photoshoot at what may as well have been a zillion miles away from the school in DUMBO (<--I love Seinfeld's joke printed in the wiki description, btw.) and that was when I realized that the cellist I vaguely knew (yes, he is mutitalented, indeed. and mixed, too! whataya know d:) was also a photog! it wasn't until much later that I would see the fruits of his treks to bk and everywhere else his clients bade him to shoot, but it was certainly worth the wait! and now I am oh-so-pleasantly surprised everytime his beautiful photos (many of them of summer weddings, lately) pop up on my fb feed (: I'm gonna attempt to narrow down a few faves for you here, but don't be shy! check out his site and his blog (which is linked in my sidebar now) when you get a chance! and by all means, hit him up if you're in the ny area!
a beautiful bride

a stylin groom (not hers^^, tho!)

cutie pie
caught red-handed!
a glamourous exit
and he does more than just weddings! (like that performance photo at the start of this entry, for instance...)

I love that VW bus photo. So cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)